Lifestyle and Editorial
Zhanna specializes in people photography, capturing emotions and moments in time is her specialty. In her lifestyle and editorial photography she focuses on expressions and feelings. She closely works with art directors to best deliver the message a brand or a company is trying to send. Every detail matters, colors, environment, facial expressions, body movement; Zhanna pays attention to it all, creating best shots possible.

Portraits and Headshots
Zhanna is a people person and really enjoys photographing portraits and headshots; one on one photo sessions are her favorite. She takes her time making sure that a person she's working with is comfortable and relaxed. She tries to bring the best out and creates time and space for that to happen. She plays around with letting a person move on their own and giving directions when needed. She thinks of her portrait sessions as more of a flow, one thing leads to the other. In her opinion amazing images is the result of seamless flow during her photo sessions.

Personal Projects
New York City is a place where most extraordinary people live. When Zhanna meets those who spark her interest and creativity she ends up photographing them. To read more about her personal projects, check out The Series section.

Photo Art Direction
Zhanna has been in photography industry since 2010, and though she aimed to be a photographer only, her production path took her into the world of photo shoot production and art direction as well. Over the years she's produced and art directed photo shoots for large companies like Sonic and Brewings. She also worked with other commercial photographers as a producer and an art director. Her knowledge of pre and post production world makes her a valuable asset on any production set.